The blessed

In gratitude to those who are a living witness of faithful and generous service to others

By Sr. Frances Brady, O.L.M.
May 2006

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Relationship, interconnectedness and interdependence are essential characteristics of the whole of creation. This principle seems to be one that theologians, sociologists and scientists all agree on, so we are well advised to ponder its implications for us. Nothing exists in isolation and no one can go it alone.

In our pondering, our hearts and minds turn with affection to our own relationships and connections. They include of course our families and friends without whom we would not be who we are. They are also the communities of people with whom we live and carry out our mission, who make our ministries possible and are largely responsible for the benefits that result.

In this issue of Scarboro Missions we want to name some of these people with gratitude for their lives of faithful and generous service. They believe in the worth of all that God has created and use their talents and energies to care for the earth and its inhabitants with love and respect.

While it is a privilege to be able to talk about a few special people, we realize that there are many others whom we cannot name. They are the many people connected with our lives and yours in less visible ways, who serve faithfully and selflessly day after day, because they believe that what they do is worthwhile, even essential for the kindom of God. Their contributions to family, neighbourhood, faith community or place of work are recognized only by those closest to them, and sometimes not even then. They are the "blessed" of whom Jesus spoke and our lives are blessed by them even when we don't know each other.

We are grateful to Scarboro Missions for this opportunity to share our experience of mission with you and to thank you for the many ways you support us. We thank Kathy VanLoon, editor of Scarboro Missions magazine, and also Sr. Marie Clarkson for her participation and collaboration with Kathy in putting together this edition.

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