Elizabeth, woman of peace

By Sr. Gwen Legault, O.L.M.
May 2006

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Elizabeth and Sr. Gwen Legault enjoy a visit together.

Elizabeth and Sr. Gwen Legault enjoy a visit together.

In 1970 in Awajii, Diocese of Makurdi, a peace-loving Spiritan, Fr. Patrick Flynn, spoke the good news of peace to the people he was baptizing. Among that group was young Elizabeth Labe. Since that time, Elizabeth has carried the same good news of peace to all she meets.

As a minister of the Eucharist at our parish in Vandeikya where Elizabeth has lived most of her years, it has been my privilege to visit her. She is one of many shut-ins I take the Eucharist to because they are not well enough to go out. I enjoy riding my Honda 775 to compounds that are accessible only by foot or motorbike, but most of all I feel blessed by the courage and patience of people like Elizabeth in the face of much suffering.

Elizabeth is confined to her home because she broke her leg in a fall and healing has been slow. The pain and swelling are somewhat relieved by the heat from a smouldering log burning in the middle of her hut. All day she sits near the warm fire, however when I visit she insists on crawling out to the door to greet me in her Tiv language.

"Bem u Ter a lu a we," (The peace of the Lord is with you) she says. I receive her heart-warming blessing and reply, "The peace of the Lord is with you, too, Elizabeth." When asked about her special gift of peace, she smilingly recalls her youth and the influence and blessings from Fr. Patrick Flynn that have carried her graciously through life.

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