
Doing Good

By Fr. Gerald Curry, SFM
March 2001

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A good part of St. Luke’s gospel is dedicated to the journey of Jesus to Jerusalem. On the way he continued his care of and compassion for people... He continued to ‘go about doing good.’

As he journeyed, he urged people to forgive and to love even their enemies and to give away all they had and follow him. He made clear the cost of discipleship and also that “his yoke was easy and his burden light.”

“There are so many people like him. they are everywhere, they go about doing good and making God’s justice and peace a reality for our world.”

As you read this Lenten issue you will meet some of the people that I know, who strive to follow Christ... to go about doing good. Craig, a young man who was so horrified to read about the murder of a young boy in India that he has since given much of his life to better the lives of children all over the world. Mary Anne, who was moved to tears on reading about the same murdered boy and now, as a teacher, gives love and affirmation to children, and receives it from them in return. Fr. Charlie, who gave much of his life to the people of the Philippines and is ever grateful for all they taught him.

As you read on you will meet Julia who lives with her family in her native Ecuador where she gives of herself for her people. Karen helps us to get a glimpse of the economics and politics of ‘free’ trade. Mike shares the thoughts and reflections of a whole group of people who gathered at Scarboro Missions to pray and to learn in order to carry God’s vision into a new millennium. Andrew reminds us of our need to be forgiven for the times we have failed to do good. Peggy shares her journey with the people of Guyana and is thankful for all she has received.

You will read about the people of Chiapas, Mexico, persecuted because they dared to express themselves; and the artists and students in Toronto who helped them to tell their story in the mural, Greeting to Taniperla.

“You are prophets in the world…You have to announce like the prophets – like a prophetic people anointed by the spirit that anointed Christ – the wonders of God in the world, to encourage the good that is done in the world and also to energetically denounce evil.”

Archbishop Oscar Romero
Martyred in el Salvdor, March 24, 1980

Reflecting on the journeys of the people featured in this magazine issue, I am challenged and strengthened. I can see and feel their goodness... their Godliness. Aware of evil and its power in our world, they ‘do good’ so that good may prevail.

Especially during the Sabbath days of Lent, we need to take time to rest. Rest produces peace, blessedness, renewal. Rest helps us to reflect on God as Creator and on our dependence on God. Rest helps us to see ourselves as co-creators, made in God’s image and likeness. Rest and the reflection it offers will help us to go about doing good.

Recently, a member of the parish where I celebrate Mass, mentioned that he had read our January-February 2001 issue on Ecuador. He was amazed at the work of Scarboro missionaries and was appalled at the plight of the Indigenous peoples of Ecuador. He was eager to get the word out to everyone, at least everyone in the parish whom he felt would be willing to help. There are so many people like him, they are everywhere, they go about doing good and making God’s justice and peace a reality for our world.

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