September 2002

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Interfaith storytelling at the Scarboro Mission Centre.

Interfaith storytelling at the Scarboro Mission Centre. Liz Chappel, executive director of the Ontario Multifaith Council for Spiritual and Religious Care, outlines the history of this multifaith organization. This group works to ensure adequate and appropriate spiritual and religious care for people in various correctional and care institutions in Ontario.

Storytelling has always been an effective communication tool and one that is now being utilized by the interfaith movement. At interfaith conferences, for example, multifaith groups are often invited to share the history of their organizations.

Over the past two years, Scarboro Missions has invited ten interfaith groups to tell their stories at the Scarboro Mission Center. Each group is asked to share its joys, struggles, challenges, goals and achievements.

At each gathering, this storytelling process energizes the multifaith audience, which responds with an abundance of questions. Much is achieved during these daylong experiences of networking, information-sharing and interfaith bridge-building.

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