A friend in mission

By Estrela De Sousa
October 2005

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For the past year, I have worked as a tutor at the St. John Bosco Boys’ Orphanage with a member of the Sisters of Mercy Volunteer Corps. An energetic young 27-year-old, Jenny made a great impact on the boys.

There are 55 boys, aged 5 to 15, at St. John Bosco. Some are orphaned and some are from troubled homes. Most attend local schools. Jenny taught a group of six to eight-year-olds with special needs at the orphanage. Every Friday afternoon we did crafts with the students. The boys really looked forward to this day when Jenny and I would come up with fun, creative craft ideas.

In the course of the year, Jenny and I became friends, visiting each other at home and going to fairs and other outings together. This past July, after two years in Guyana, Jenny returned to the United States. The school gave her a warm farewell and all the boys prepared a song or poem for her. We will miss her friendly, enthusiastic personality.

I continue my work as a tutor at the orphanage and now have two craft days each week, one for the older boys and one for the younger ones. They are a great group of children and I look forward to serving God through them.

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