September/October 2010
COVER: Fr. Ron MacDonell is doing linguistics work in Roraima Diocese, Northern Brazil, helping native peoples such as the Kokama, the Makuxi, and the Wapichana to revitalize their languages and providing other missioners with tools for language learning.
Credit: Jack Lynch, SFM
- Shared wisdom, shared experience
By Jack Lynch, S.F.M. - The Sound of Music
By Jack Lynch, S.F.M. - Learning from a carpenter
By Glenn Harty - Future Brazillian priests
By Ron MacDonell, S.F.M. - I am because we are
By Edmond Nyoka - A time of grace
By Mary Olenick - In the presence of the Divine
By Mike Traher, S.F.M. - Laity in mission
By Janet Malone, C.N.D. - Reflection on a calabash
By Kate O'Donnell - Editorial
By Kathy Gillis - In Memory: Rev. Alex McDonald, S.F.M.
- In Memory: Rev. Victor Vachon, S.F.M.
- Thank you
- God's idea, not mine
By Susan Keays