September 2004
COVER: Adapted from the poster for the Canadian Catholic Organizaiton for Development and Peace 2004 fall action campaign, Water: Life before profit
- Living water
By Heather Eaton
A glimpse at the nature and sacredness of water, source of all life - The fountain of life
By Ron MacDonell, S.F.M.
Brazilian bishops encourage reflection and action on the value of water - "Why then do you not give thanks?"
Water... a sacred symbol in the world's faith traditions - A common good
By Laura Vargas
Catholic Social Teaching speaks to the threat to water - Swimming in the wider culture
By Fiona Connelly
The struggle to preserve the culture and ecological wisdom of tribal Filipinos... an interview with Bishop Francisco Claver - Midday thirst
By André Myre
A reflection on John 4:1-42 - Privatizing life
By Beverley and Ray Vantomme
For Malawians, private ownership of public water services goes against their traditions of sharing and community - A blessed gift
By Mary Olenick
Learning to appreciate the gift of water - Drinking mindfully
By Marika Ince
A group reflection - Guest Editorial
By Danny Gillis - Centrespread: Water: Life before profit
The Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace 2004 fall action campaign takes aim at the World Banks privatization agenda