Scarboro Missions celebrates 90th Anniversary with mass and luncheon (Nov. 9, 2008)
Home > Galleries > Scarboro Missions celebrates 90th Anniversary with mass and luncheon (Nov. 9, 2008)
The welcomers at the reception table are ready to greet the visitors
Reception area is in full swing now
From left, Mr. Ken Dietrich, Fr. Terry Gallagher and Fr. Tom O'Toole
Fr. John Carten welcoming visitors
A get together with coffee before start of mass
Fr. David Warren, Fr. Philip Kennedy (president of Catholic Missions in Canada) and Fr. Emmanuel Mbam of Nigeria (staying at SFM)
Fr. Tom O'Toole with Lou and Joan Steiner
Fr. Terry Gallagher welcoming friends
Getting ready for start of mass
Start of 90th Anniversary mass celebrated by Archbishop Thomas Collins of Toronto
Deacon Tom McKeough assisting at mass
Archbishop Collins assisted by Fr. Jack Lynch and Deacon Tom McKeough
The left side of the chapel that was fully occupied, with a total of 300 including the balcony area
Distant view of the entrance area of the Chapel
The Psalms were sung by Missionary Sisters of St. Theresa of Columbia, led by Sr. Claudia Llanos with guitar
Kate O'Donnell (Lay Mission Coordinator) doing the reading
Archbishop Collins ready to start homily
Archbishop Collins with his homily
Another view of left side of chapel
Prayers of the Faithful read by former Lay Missioners Marc Chartrand and Anne Quesnelle with their baby boy
Japanese Hymn 'Maranatha' sung by Japanese-Catholic Community during Offertory
Overhead view of overflowing chapel from balcony
Right side of full balcony area
Left side of full balcony area
Closeup view of altar from balcony
Right side of main chapel
View of altar area
Another view of altar area
Closing blessing at end of mass
Archbishop Collins and Fr. Lynch talking to the Teresitas Sisters
Reunion of SFM 1968 - classmates and priests
Fr. Frank Hegel did a fantastic take of SFM founder, Monsignor John Mary Fraser - in the mission information segment of the day
Enjoying coffee before mass
Fr. Gerry Curry (visiting from Sydney, NS) with friends
Young families and friends enjoying lunch
Some members of the Toronto Japanese-Catholic Community who gather monthly for Japanese Mass at SFM, celebrated by chaplain Fr. John Carten and other SFM priests who spent many years in Japan
Other friends and supporters at lunch
Members of Our Lady's Missionaries
Friends Phil Scott, Peggy Turner and Carol Charamonte