Milestones in Recent Catholic-Jewish Relations

This document chronicles, on a year-by-year basis, the dramatic advances in Catholic-Jewish dialogue since the Second Vatican Council. This detailed profile of significant changes and developments in Catholic-Jewish relations will be very useful to teachers, students, researchers, historians, interfaith practicioners and others. This document can be downloaded free of charge and is available in English and French.

Texts of Scarboro Interfaith lectures – the Abrahamic Faiths

In 2016, Scarboro Missions sponsored four interfaith lectures.  Three of these explored the concept of Mercy from Jewish, Christian and Muslim perspectives. The fourth talk focused on Jewish and Christian responses to an important 2015 Vatican document on Jewish-Catholic relations. The texts of all the talks can be accessed below:

Christian perspectives on Mercy – Dr. Murray Watson
Jewish perspectives on Mercy – Rabbi Ed Elkin
Muslim perspectives on Mercy – Imam Dr. Hamid Slimi  

A Jewish and Catholic response to the New Vatican Document on Catholic-Jewish Relations – “The Gifts and Calling of God are Irrevocable” (Rom. 11:29)

Rabbi Baruch Frydman-Kohl
Dr. Eileen Schuller OSU

Jewish-Christian Capsule Biographies

Featured here are biographies of 30 leaders in the field of Jewish-Christian dialogue – 15 of the individuals profiled are Jewish and 15 are Christian. The biographies feature “pioneers” who were highly active during the Vatican II period as well those who are contemporary voices.