- Global Catholic Climate Movement: Over 15,000 Scientists Give a ‘Second Notice’ to Humanity and Echo Pope Francis’ Call to Address Inequality (Dec. 17)
- Pontifical Academy of Sciences: Declaration of the Workshop Health of People, Health of Planet and Our Responsibility—Climate Change, Air Pollution and Health (Dec. 17)
- Season of Creation News: Interreligious commitment to clean energy (Oct. 17)
- Free Public Event: Inaugural Great Lakes Water Walk along Toronto Waterfront Trail on Sunday, September 24, 2017 (Sep. 17)
- President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops sends letter to the Prime Minister expressing concerns about Canadian mining operations overseas (Sep. 17)
- Pray and Care for Creation during the Season of Creation September 1 to October 4, 2017 –prayer and action resources (Aug. 17)
- Green Churches Network: "Season of Creation" in a box—free downloadable resource (Aug. 17)
- Global Catholic Climate Movement: Pope Francis Endorses Campaign to Spread Laudato Si’ to 1 Million Catholics (Aug. 17)
- Global Catholic Climate Movement: Laudato Si’ Pledge Launched to Mobilize 1 Million Catholics on Climate Change (Jul. 17)
- Global Catholic Climate Movement: Arctic meltdown—Sea and land ice are cracking up at a record pace (May 17)
- Global Catholic Climate Movement: News on Catholic institutions divesting from fossil fuel companies and reinvesting (May 17)
- Citizens for Public Justice News: Because It’s 2017...It’s Time to End Poverty in Canada (Apr. 17)
- Citizens for Public Justice News: Budget 2017 moves ahead cautiously on poverty and climate (Apr. 17)
- Faith & the Common Good Annual Forum on Saturday, March 11, 2017: Exploring Sacred Space—Regenerating Places of Faith (Mar. 17)
- Global Catholic Climate Movement News: Mercy to Earth Weekend April 22-23 (Mar. 17)
- Lenten Reflection Guide from Maryknoll: A Journey with Gospel Nonviolence (Feb. 17)
- Citizens for Public Justice News: Campaign for Lent 2017—Give it up for the Earth! (Feb. 17)
- Citizens for Public Justice News: Climate plan good, but target falls far short (Jan. 17)
- New Resource from Jesuit Forum on the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (Jan. 17)
- Joint ecumenical and interfaith letter to Canadian delegates at COP22 climate change meeting
- Joint ecumenical and interfaith letter to Canadian delegates at COP22 climate change meeting (Dec. 16)
- Development and Peace News: A COP marked by inaction in spite of the urgent need to act (Dec. 16)
- Global Catholic Climate Movement ideas for making Laudato Si’ part of our Advent practices (Dec. 16)
- Maryknoll Advent reflection guide 2016: A season to embrace Gospel nonviolence (Dec. 16)
- Global Catholic Climate Movement News: IPCC scientists summarize—Climate change happening now and much faster than anticipated. We must not delay further in getting off of fossil fuels. (Nov. 16)
- Citizens for Public Justice Infographic: 8 Canadian Symptoms of a Changing Climate (Oct. 16)
- Development and Peace / Caritas Canada News: Campaign Launch—At the Heart of the Action (Oct. 16)
- Season of Creation September 1 - October 4—website with prayers and resources (Sep. 16)
- New Resource from Jesuit Forum: "On Care for Our Common Home: A Dialogue Guide for Laudato Si'" (Sep. 16)
- National Catholic Reporter: Laudato Si' and the liturgical work ahead (Sep. 16)
- Preparing for the Season of Creation 2016 (1 September - 4 October) (Aug. 16)
- New Resource: Eco-Parish Guide—Bringing Laudato Si to Life, produced by the Global Catholic Climate Movement (Jul. 16)
- Christians join federal climate change conversation (Jun. 16)
- Western Catholic Reporter Column: Time to get on Board with pope's encyclical (Jun. 16)
- Development and Peace News: Your Earth Day guide to the Paris Agreement on climate (May 16)
- Resources for April 5th Global Day of Prayer for Climate Action (Apr. 16)
- Parish Resource: Care for God’s Creation—A Guide for Parishes (Apr. 16)
- Lenten Reflection Guide from the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns—Forty Days with Scripture and Laudato Si' (Mar. 16)
- The Tablet News: COP21—Laudato Si' a major talking point at climate change talks in Paris (Jan. 16)
- Pembina Institute News: Success of the Paris Agreement will be measured by policy progress here at home (Jan. 16)
- Global Catholic Climate Movement: Key Elements of the Final Agreement and Quotes (Jan. 16)
- Global Catholic Climate Movement: Scientists comment on 1.5 C (Jan. 16)
- Global Catholic Climate Movement: Over 700,000 Catholics Worldwide Have Spoken on Climate Change (Dec. 15)
- New video resource: Laudato Si' A Canadian Response (Dec. 15)
- New “Prayers for Paris” Resources from Citizens for Public Justice (Oct. 15)
- Development and Peace launches new campaign “Create a Climate of Change” as part of World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation (Sep. 15)
- Global Catholic Climate Movement invites Catholics to celebrate the “Season of Creation” September 1 to October 4—resources available (Sep. 15)
- Development and Peace produces Electoral Guide 2015 focused on ecological justice and international aid (Sep. 15)
- Education Program Coordinator begins new ministry at Scarboro Missions (Jul. 15)
- New Canadian Catholic Video Series and Lesson Plans on Cultivating and Caring for Creation—watch online! (Jun. 15)
- New Position Opening at Scarboro Missions—Education Program Coordinator (May 15)
- Pontifical Academy of Sciences Workshop—Protect the Earth, Dignify Humanity. The Moral Dimensions of Climate Change and Sustainable Humanity (May 15)
- Global Catholic Climate Movement News: April is Care4Creation Month (Apr. 15)
- "Tilled too much and kept too little": An Outline of the Ecology Encyclical? (Apr. 15)
- Current issue of Scarboro Missions magazine: Living Hope in the Age of Climate Change (Mar. 15)
- Lenten reflection series Renewing the Face of the Earth offered by the Ignatian Solidarity Network (Mar. 15)
- March 4th: Canadians participate in Lenten Fast for Climate Justice (Mar. 15)
- Global Catholic Climate Movement launched in January (Feb. 15)
- Lent Fast for Climate Justice(Feb. 15)
- Citizens for Public Justice News: Consider a Living Ecological Justice book study during Lent (Feb. 15)
- Citizens for Public Justice News: 3 Reasons to Feel Hopeful after the COP20 Climate Change Conference in Lima, Peru (Jan. 15)
- CAFOD News: Catholics called by Bishops to engage on climate change (Jan. 15)
- United Nations Climate Summit News and Next Steps (Oct. 14)
- Interfaith Summit on Climate Change Statement: Climate, Faith and Hope—Faith traditions together for a common future (Oct. 14)
- Citizens for Public Justice News: Religious Momentum to Resolve the Climate Crisis? (Oct. 14)
- Scarboro Missions modifies the name of the Justice and Peace Office to reflect increasing priority on care for creation
- Citizens for Public Justice and the Canadian Council of Churches mobilize Christians across Canada to join in support of concrete actions at the September 2014 UN Climate Summit (Sep. 14)
- “Living Faithfully into a New Climate” Resources for Faith Communities—includes Bible Study, Sermon Notes for September 21st, Prayers, Activities (Sep. 14)
- World Council of Churches and Religions for Peace organize September Interfaith Summit on Climate Change (Sep. 14)
- New Interfaith Summit on Climate Change website offers faith perspectives on climate change, videos (Sep. 14)
- Western Catholic Reporter Column by Joe Gunn: Summit a chance to push leaders to fight climate change(Sep. 14)
- “Living with Limits, Living Well! Hints for neighbours on an endangered planet” New resource by Jesuit Forum for Social Faith and Justice—workbook for engaging on the interconnectedness of spirituality, ecology, poverty and inequality (Sep. 14)
- Development and Peace News: Fall Education Campaign materials Sow Much Love—Small family farmers fight hunger and preserve the world’s seeds (Sep. 14)
- Millennial Journal: Scientists and the Vatican Agree—Climate Change is Real, Must be Addressed (Jun. 14)
- Pontifical Academies of Science and Social Science release statement of urgent warning and hope from Joint Workshop on Sustainable Humanity, Sustainable Nature: Our Responsibility (Jun. 14)
- Citizens for Public Justice article on recent study of Antarctic glacial melting “Warnings we would do well to heed” (Jun. 14)