Dr. David Mulroney says “We like to say that the world needs more Canada. But it is actually going to get more Chine – a lot more!” Drawing on three decades of diplomatic experience in Asia, David Mulroney explains how China’s rise is reverberating across Canada. He encourages us to respond with skill and confidence, making smart policy choices to promote our prosperity, our security, and, equally important, our values.
Dr. David Mulroney is President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of St. Michael’s College, the Catholic federated university within the Univ. of Toronto. He has more than 30 years in Canada’s Public Service, including as ambassador to the People’s Republic of China (2009 – 2012). His recent book “Middle Power, Middle Kingdom” was awarded the J.W. Dafoe Prize for 2016.
To a large crowd of over 50 attendees, Dr. Mulroney provided a very informative lecture. The PDF text (15 pages) of his lecture is provided here: davidmulroney_2016nov17_chinatalk_txtversion. The following day, he delivered the same lecture at St. Jerome’s University at the Univ. of Waterloo – which was video-recorded with the following link – https://www.sju.ca/LCE/news-events/public-events/lectures-catholic-experience/living-dragon (The lecture starts about 20 min into the 2-hr video)

Fr. Ron MacDonell, SFM Vicar General, introduces the guest speaker, Dr. David Mulroney, president of the Univ. of St. Michael’s College for his SFM lecture “Living with the Dragon”