On March 8th, 2016, about 100 persons were in attendance at Scarboro Missions to mark the beginning of a 3-part series on Christian, Jewish and Muslim  perspectives on MERCY (https://www.scarboromissions.ca/news/mercy-jewish-christian-muslim-dialogue ). Dr. Murray Watson (from Huron College, Western Univ., London, Ont) presented a very challenging and inspiring reflection on a Christian Understanding of Mercy. This Series is part of the church’s celebration of the current Jubilee Year of Mercy.

A 1-page summary. was handed out at the start of the presentation. A full text version (11 pages PDF) of Dr. Watson’s presentation is also available.

Dr. Watson with presentation

Dr. Watson with presentation

Partial view of attendees in the SFM Chapel

Partial view of attendees in the SFM Chapel


An avid questioner during Q&A Session

Discussion following presentation

Discussion following presentation

Sr. Lucy Thorson, Sr. of Sion, SFM Interfaith Dept. with guest speaker, Dr. Murray Watson

Sr. Lucy Thorson, Sr. of Sion, SFM Interfaith Dept. with guest speaker, Dr. Murray Watson just before his presentation

Some attendees with Dr. Watson at the end of his presentation

Some attendees with Dr. Watson at the end of his presentation including Hector Acero-Ferrer (2nd from right) of the Interfaith Dept. who thanked the speaker