There are numerous books focusing on the Golden Rule and business ethics. Four are featured here. Please note that each website will enable you to order the featured book.
3.1 Resolving Workplace Conflict by Customizing the Golden Rule
By Rochelle Sjolseth **
This training manual helps companies develop their own Golden Rule and code of ethics.
3.2 The Golden Rule in Business
By Arthur Nash **
Published in 1923, this classic volume outlines the philosophy of Arthur Nash, one of America’s best-known Golden Rule entrepreneurs.
3.3 The Golden Rule
By Jeffrey Wattles **
This excellent volume on the Golden Rule contains a chapter on the history of American Golden Rule entrepreneurship. The chapter is entitled, “The Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man”.
3.4 There’s No Such Thing as Business Ethics
By John Maxwell **
Maxwell argues that the Golden Rule is the only rule that matters in business and in living.
** Websites that specifically discuss the Golden Rule in relation to business ethics