We have committed the golden rule to memory;
let us now commit it to lifeEdwin Markham, American poet (1852-1940)
- Introduction
- Meditation exercises featuring Golden Rule texts
- Individual meditation
- Written meditation
- Artistic meditation
- A meditation on Shinto wisdom
- A meditation on compassion and healing
- A meditation on Gandhian wisdom
- A meditation on the Hindu Namaste greeting
- A meditation on the teaching of Black Elk (Native American elder)
- A meditation on the teaching of Thich Nhat Hanh (Buddhist monk)
- A meditation on the teaching of Mother Teresa
- A meditation on interfaith dialogue
- A meditation on the “gold” in the Golden Rule
- Group meditation
- Meditation exercises featuring Golden Rule Poster
- Appendices
- Appendix 1: Comments about the Golden Rule Poster
- Appendix 2: Understanding the circle
- Appendix 3: Application to a group experience
- Appendix 4: Tips for preparing for meditation and reflection
- About the authors
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Published by Scarboro Missions (Toronto, Canada)
Copyright © Scarboro Missions 2006
Scarboro Missions encourages the reproduction and use of this document for educational purposes for limited distribution. For permission to reproduce this document for commercial use or large-scale distribution, contact Paul McKenna at interfaithgold@gmail.com